Her Majesty’s Prison Service is a part of the National Offender Management Service of Her Majesty’s Government, tasked with managing most of the prisons within England and Wales. Nearly 44,000 employees work in over 130 prisons with over 85,000 prisoners.
We worked with HM Prison service to design and implement a new operating model for HR. We also led and managed the programme of business change activity that supported the transition of all operational Finance, Procurement and HR activity into a greenfield Shared Services operation in Newport Gwent. This was the foundation for one of the largest shared services organisations that is now the basis for one of the first public/private joint ventures – SSCL.
We have received valuable support and assistance throughout from Orion Partners… Their experience is enabling us to shape a recruitment and selection campaign that is getting the right people into the new roles, without disrupting the business. Their development programme is starting to shape the behaviours and build the skills that our new HR roles will need to be successful and, cru cially, they approached each of these as an integrated part of the change programme maximising the value of their work